Tag Archives: Patanjali

The present moment…

December 18, 2013

“Prana or breath, is truly one of yogas greatest gifts,
as focus on the breath brings a focus to the present moment
and leads to a state of inner peace.”

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


Cat Cow Breath


I am free !

November 5, 2013

So many things to think at the end of this year…
But I do try very hard…


“A mind free of all disturbance is yoga”

Patanjali – Yoga sutras


Positive attitude…

June 24, 2013

Chaturanga Dandasana

Four-Limbed Staff Pose


« It is only when the correct practice
is followed for a long time,
without interruptions
and with a quality of positive attitude
and eagerness,
that it can succeed. »



Quiet mind…

December 17, 2012

 “Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.”



Dancer pose

Balancing postures teach the mind to be grounded,
present in the moment and in the pose.
If you have your mind on everyday matters,
you won’t be able to balance and hold the pose.
Balance postures require our complete focus.

Being able to keep a quiet mind while balancing will bring us
in a more meditative state of mind,
and over time, will help us to approach life with calm awareness.
