TeenyTinyOm Cushions…

October 3, 2020

2020 has proved a challenging year and yet we had the opportunity to take time to reflect, to live slowly, and be creative.

During long family evenings at home, watching old French movies with my girls, I rediscovered an old passion of mine, embroidery.

I so much enjoyed embroidering my TeenyTinyOm little yogi, matching the asanas with meaningful and inspirational quotes, that I have decided to create a series of unique decorative cushions in 100% organic botanical dyed cotton. Each cushion is special and unique, handmade with a lot of love during a challenging moment hoping for a brighter future.

Soft colours hues, organic natural feeling and meaningful text make these cushions a fun and mindful addition to any space.

TeenyTinyOm cushions

Chakra mirrors…

September 11, 2020

Mindfulness is a mental state of calm, acceptance, and awareness of the present moment. Natural materials as wood and glass, earthy colours, meaningful and beautiful objects inspires mindfulness.

The Chakra Mirrors, a collection of 7 mirrors in shapes reinterpreting that of the lotus flower and embodying the symbols of the 7 chakras, act as a reminder to create a space of serenity and wellbeing, and will help you build a peaceful environment for your mind within your home. They will add a functional artistic detail to a wall or a table. These mirrors will instil balance and natural reflected light in the spaces they inhabit.

Bring these meaningful symbols into the heart of your home…

Chakra mirrors

When silent…

September 6, 2020

This quote by K.T. Jong relates with the Sahasrara chakra
Sahasrara is the crown chakra.
This chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.

What matters…

September 2, 2020

This quote by Henry David Thoreau relates with the Ajna chakra.
Ajna is the third eye chakra.
This chakra represents our ability to focus and look within.

Listen twice…

August 29, 2020

This quote by Epictetus relates with the Vishuddha chakra.
Vishuddha is the throat chakra.
This chakra represents our ability to speak and listen.

Time is eternity…

August 25, 2020

This quote by Henry Van Dyke relates with the Anahata chakra.
Anahata is the heart chakra.
This chakra represents love, acceptance and trust.


August 21, 2020

This quote by Irene Kassorla relates with the Manipura chakra.
Manipura is the solar plexus chakra.
This chakra represents our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.

On feeling…

August 17, 2020

This quote by Benjamin Disraeli relates to the Svadisthana chakra.
Svadisthana is the lower abdomen chakra.
This chakra brings to our awareness the right to feel – enabling us to be joyful, playful, and intimate with others on all levels

We are all sculptors…

August 10, 2020

This quote by Henry David Thoreau relates with the Muladhara chakra.
Muladhara is the base of the spine or root chakra.
This chakra represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.