Category Archives: Yoga quotes

Yoga is not just posture !

March 17, 2013


it doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go,
what does matter is
who you are when you get there.”
Max Strom

Yoga is not just posture.
The form, a perfect physical body, is not the goal.
The body is simply the vehicle we use to bring us
toward a deeper experience of who we are:
The Inner Self.
The goal of yoga is to channel the mind, body and spirit
so that each works together leading to a greater personal understanding.
When all aspects are in balance,
we are able to transcend the physical
and experience the deeper subtlety of our being.


The Butterfly Dream

March 7, 2013


Baddha Konasana

“Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly,
fluttering hither and thither,
to all intents and purposes a butterfly.
I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly,
unaware that I was Chou.
Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again.
Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly,
or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.
Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a distinction.
The transition is called the transformation of material things.”

Chuang Chou

“The butterfly dream shows that,
although in ordinary appearance there are differences between things,
in delusions or in dreams one thing can also be another.
The transformation of things proves
that the differences among things are not absolute.”

C. W. Chan


Sukha and Sthira, Ease and effort

February 27, 2013

“Practicing yoga with strength and in a relaxed manner
gives rise to harmony with the physical body “



Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, described two qualities which must be present when doing yoga :
Sukha and Sthira

Sukha, meaning easy or happy,
refers to our ability to stay confortable in a pose without tension or strain

Sthira, meaning firm or alert,
refers to our ability to stay present.

These qualities bring a level of conscious awareness
which integrates breath and mind,
and differentiates yoga from physical exercise.
When present we learn to accept our limitations
and proceed from where we are in a balance way.

From Shambhava School of Yoga


A flower blooms…

February 25, 2013


Thich Nhat Hanh’s key teaching is that, through mindfulness,
we can learn to live in the present moment
instead of in the past and in the future.

Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake
to the present moment.
It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply
in every moment of daily life.
To be mindful is to be truly alive, present and at one with those around you and with what you are doing.

“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention.
When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”

Thich Nhat Hanh


Let it hurt…

February 21, 2013


Trying to stop the pain goes against the process of transformation
and hence not in harmony with the process.
It makes you hold on instead of letting go.
Don’t try to protect yourself from the pain.
If you hold on more, the pain will be worst.
Let it go, Surrender !


The beauty of Savasana…

February 20, 2013


“Savasana is being without was, being without will be. It is being without anyone who is.”
Light on Life, B.K.S. Iyengar.

Savasana, or Corpse Pose, is one of the hardest to perform
as the physical body is meant to be as still as a corpse, yet the mind is kept passively active.

As we lie in Savasana, we focus on being present
without going into dreamland,
without sleeping,
without acting,
without achieving.


Without effort, we wimply are !

February 2, 2013

“Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.”

B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.



Practice, practice, practice…

December 23, 2012

Teenytinyom finding it hard sometimes to cultivate a yoga self practice !


“If we practice the science of yoga, which is useful to the entire human community and which yields happiness both here and hereafter,
if we practice it without fail, we will then attain physical, mental, and spiritual happiness, and our minds will flood towards the Self.”

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
