Category Archives: Recipe

Pancakes Day

February 12, 2013


Healthy Pancakes recipe

1 cup oat or almond milk
3/4 cup oatmeal
3/4 cup Oat Flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
4 large whites
1 tsp cinnamon, ground

Heat milk and stir in oats
Beat egg whites into a stiff foam
Mix remaining dry ingredients together
And add to oatmeal mixture
Fold in egg whites until mixture well blended.
Cook in a non stick pan until browned on both sides

Enjoy !


Healthy Smoothie !

February 5, 2013

1 cup of blueberries
1 apple
1 cup of oat milk or almond milk
2 spoons of pumpkin and linseeds

Ground the linseeds in a coffee grinder and then mix all the ingredients together in the mixer for smoothies.
You can vary this smoothie according to what you have and your mood.
You can use other fruits : mango, papaya, pears, peaches…
You can use other vegetable milk such as rice or soya milk or simply water.
Instead of pumpkin seeds, you can use chia seeds.


Recipe from my friend Dejana Subsol, Naturopath.

