Category Archives: jewellery


June 18, 2014

Discover TinyOm new collection inspired by Native American dreamcatchers.
According to legend, dreams that humans have while they sleep,
are messages sent by sacred spirits.
TinyOm’s golden web, feathers, precious stones and diamonds
allow good dreams to pass through to the wearer.

Tiny om jeanne-sacred2


Thoughts from fans of TinyOm…

May 22, 2014


Sophie from Nice in France on her TinyOm Enlightenment ring:
‘It is like a chameleon piece that takes on the identity of she who is wearing it,
and gives the impression that it was made especially for her.’



April 8, 2014

Lovely photo shoot today with my friend Veronika. I love her energy on this picture.
She is wearing a Sahasrara necklace made specially for her.
So remember that you can always contact me for custom orders.
The excellent goldsmiths I work with and I can adjust
the length and size of each piece of jewellery according to your desires.

Love from Virginie




Give me flowers and rings…

March 16, 2014

Creativity ring

18 carat gold ring with Mini Svadisthana chakra design.
The 7 Chakras are the spiritual energy centres within the body.
Svadisthana is the sacral chakra, related to the colour orange.
It represents our ability to accept others and to be open to new experiences.

flowers and rings
