Category Archives: illustrations

Eternal joy…

April 23, 2013

“Joy is eternal, it will never die;
Sorrow is illusory, it will never live.”

Swami Sivananda


Crescent Pose


And Rest…

April 16, 2013

And rest

Again and again
Return like mountain
Release like ocean
Relax like sky
And rest
Rest in the heart of pure awareness.”

Living Buddha


Asanas for Muladhara Chakra

April 9, 2013

asanas for muladhara

The 7 Chakras are the spiritual energy centres within the body.
Muladhara is the root chakra, related to the colour red
and located at the base of the spine.
It represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.

When we are balanced in this chakra
we will feel confident, strong and steady.
When we are experiencing imbalance
we will feel fearful, and insecure, living more in the head than in the body.

We can become ungrounded in our root chakra
when we are in periods of movement,
when we are experiencing changes in our lives.

Here are some great asanas to awaken the Muladhara chakra
and create a stronger sense of grounding in the body and mind.

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Virabharasana II
Prasarita Padottanasana
Supta Baddha KonasanaSavasana


The Hindu monkey God

March 20, 2013


Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god,
is one of the most celebrated figures in Indian religion.
Believed to be an avatar of Lord Shiva,
Hanuman is worshiped as a symbol of
physical strength, perseverance and devotion.


Camel’s Mood…

February 18, 2013

A camel
That walks alone
Across the desert unending
Has no pretentions.
Every camel is so.




Usrtra = Camel
The physical shape of Ustrasana mimics the shape of a camel.
The chest lift toward the ceiling
like the hump of the camel rises up toward the sky.
Camel pose turns your chest into a camel’s hump.


Chakra chart

February 11, 2013

the chakras

The chakras are the spiritual energy centres within the body.
Each chakra relates to a certain colour and emotion, represented by a lotus flower and the number of petals on it.

Sahasrara is the crown chakra, related to the colour violet.
It represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.

Ajna is the third eye chakra, related to the colour purple.
It represents our ability to focus and look within.

Vishudda is the throat chakra, related to the colour blue.
It represents our ability to communicate.

Anahata is the heart chakra, related to the colour green.
It represents our ability to feel love and gratitude.

Manipura is the solar plexus chakra, related to the colour yellow.
It represents our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.

Svadisthana is the sacral chakra, related to the colour orange.
It represents our ability to accept others and to be open to new experiences.

Muladhara is the root chakra, related to the colour red.
It represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.


Without effort, we wimply are !

February 2, 2013

“Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.”

B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

