Asanas for Muladhara Chakra

April 9, 2013

asanas for muladhara

The 7 Chakras are the spiritual energy centres within the body.
Muladhara is the root chakra, related to the colour red
and located at the base of the spine.
It represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.

When we are balanced in this chakra
we will feel confident, strong and steady.
When we are experiencing imbalance
we will feel fearful, and insecure, living more in the head than in the body.

We can become ungrounded in our root chakra
when we are in periods of movement,
when we are experiencing changes in our lives.

Here are some great asanas to awaken the Muladhara chakra
and create a stronger sense of grounding in the body and mind.

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Virabharasana II
Prasarita Padottanasana
Supta Baddha KonasanaSavasana


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4 responses to “Asanas for Muladhara Chakra”

  1. mem durga says:

    me encanto los dibujo tan explicitos y poder relacionar yoga y chkras

  2. Xavi says:

    Thank you for this information! Very helpful and visual!! thanks!

  3. Thanks very nice blog!

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